Alocasia macrorrhiza, commonly known as Giant Taro or Elephant's Ear, is a tropical plant that can be grown outdoors in the UK during the warmer months. Here are some care instructions for Alocasia macrorrhiza when grown outdoors in the UK:
Planting location: Choose a spot in your garden that receives bright, indirect sunlight or partial shade. Alocasia macrorrhiza prefers a warm and humid environment, so it's important to find a location that provides these conditions.
Soil: Use well-draining soil that retains moisture but does not become waterlogged. Alocasia macrorrhiza prefers rich, loamy soil. You can amend the soil with organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to improve its texture and fertility.
Watering: Alocasia macrorrhiza requires regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist. However, avoid overwatering as it can lead to root rot. Water thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry, and ensure proper drainage to prevent waterlogging.
Humidity: Alocasia macrorrhiza appreciates high humidity levels. To increase humidity, you can mist the leaves regularly with water or place a tray filled with water and pebbles beneath the plant. As the water evaporates, it creates a humid microclimate around the plant.
Fertilization: Feed your Alocasia macrorrhiza with a balanced liquid fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Dilute the fertilizer according to the manufacturer's instructions. In autumn and winter, reduce or suspend fertilization as the plant's growth slows down.
Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as bark chips or compost, around the base of the plant. Mulching helps retain moisture, suppresses weed growth, and provides insulation during cooler temperatures.
Protection from frost: Alocasia macrorrhiza is not frost-tolerant and will not survive UK winters outdoors. Before the first frost, you need to prepare the plant for winter by either digging up the tubers and storing them indoors or bringing the plant indoors if feasible.
Pest and disease control: Monitor your plant regularly for common pests like aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs. If you notice any infestations, treat them promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil following the product instructions. Ensure good airflow around the plant to minimize the risk of fungal diseases.
Pruning: Remove any dead or yellowing leaves by cutting them off at the base. Pruning can help maintain the plant's appearance and overall health.